Rice University, MoodyXFest, Stewardship/Gift Activation

Rice University received its largest private gift of $100 Million from the Moody Foundation. INVNT was engaged to develop an activation that would serve both as a love letter to the Moody Family as well as a tangible way for students to understand the opportunities the Moody Experience will provide.  MoodyX Fest was launched as an annual festival of ideas and community to ignite excitement and, in the future, as a platform to showcase the gift’s long-term impact.


Texas Christian University

We were delighted to partner with Texas Christian University on the celebration of the university’s sesquicentennial anniversary and the successful …


Vanderbilt University

On the heels of their 150th anniversary celebration, we helped Vanderbilt University launch their Dare to Grow campaign. Through the …

Rice University, MoodyXFest, Stewardship/Gift Activation
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